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Living Gate

Living Gate


Event Ended
Monday 4 Nov 2024 21:00


Lunedì 4 Novembre 2024

Freakout Club e Hardstaff Booking Agency
sono estremamente carichi di presentarvi una nuova super band che si aggira per l'Europa:

The band, Aaron Rieseberg (YOB,) Lennart Bossu (Oathbreaker, Amenra,) Wim Coppers (Oathbreaker, Wiegedood,) and Levy Seynaeve (Amenra, Wiegedood,) is an international group of critically acclaimed musicians that was spawned over a shared interest and sincere admiration for a bygone era of classic Death Metal. This bonding experience resulted in LIVING GATE's deathly Metal. The band's ethos is wholly defined by the sounds of the underground- purposefully devoid of over-polished, meticulously edited music, and eschewing athletic, sterile musicianship in favor of break-neck riffs.
LIVING GATE puts their emphasis upon unrelenting, raw drums, encircled by menacing riffs and heaving guttural orations. While LIVING GATE strictly adhere to Death Metal's ways of old, the face-ripping tracks such as "Heaven Ablaze" and the deathly title track cement the band in the here and now, and prove that the underground will never die. Prepare for death!

Ingresso in prevendita: 12€
Ingresso alla porta: 15 €

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